Flowers for Baby Ethan, Baby Aaron, and Baby Abbey:
(The two white are for the boys, the pink is for Abbey. I couldn't find blue for the boys, but the girly mom in me knew Abbey needed a pink flower)
Flowers and a cupcake for Curtis:
We had a beautiful day for his birthday. We went to the Angel of Hope, laid flowers at Curtis' bricks, took pictures, ate cupcakes and released a balloon. As tradition, we took the kids to the Build A Bear and they each picked something to make. We then drove 3+ hours to Wisconsin and took the next 3 days as a family.
There were no tears on his 5th birthday. The night before, I had a pretty hard time when I was going to buy the cupcakes and flowers...the 5th birthday candle killed me... but the actual day was so much fun and something I look forward to. I plan this nice stuff. I look forward to having cupcakes, taking the kids to Build a Bear and going on vacation. I love building memories in his name. At the end of the day, it is just a date...I remember Curtis year round. My hard days are usually a random Tuesday out of nowhere.
I have some more pictures and video I will post of Claudia putting the flowers for Abbey, Aaron, and Ethan in the Angel's hands. It was really sweet. Abbey, Ethan, and Aaron all have a special place in my heart. I have mentioned them before. I have "met" Abbey's mom via blogs, she was born still June 4th, 2006. Aaron lived for 33 days, born premature, he was a total fighter and passed away May 31, 2006. The same day Curtis was born still. I knew his mom before and after our pregnancies. Ethan was born June 2nd and passed away June 14th 2005. I met his mom online after I lost Curtis.
that's beautiful and I love that you brought him a cupcake with a 5 candle:)
Curtis has a special place in my heart, and he was missed terribly by me on his fifth birthday.
Thank you, Chantel - it means more than words can express. I'm glad you had a good day.
What a beautiful idea and way to honor your little Curtis. Happy belated 5th birthday, little boy. Sending hugs to your family
I just clicked to officially follow your blog because I have enjoyed "checking in" on your story in the month since our little girl was still born. I am hopeful that I too will balance my emotions as positive as you have. Happy belated birthday to your forever baby boy. I don't think it's JUST a date... it IS a special day. An extra special reason to remember.
Chantel, I have followed your story since the days of DWLZ (I think I may have been BiloxiBlu back in those days). Although we've not talked since forever ago (and you likely do not recall me), I just wanted to say what strength you have and that I am sending blessings to you. I recently (May 19, 2011) went through the loss of my 2nd son on the second day of his life (after a full term birth). Your blog continues to be beautiful and a source of inspiration to me as I now blog about my own loss. All my best to you,
A beleated but grateful thank you from Abbey's dad.
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